The following was found at threedaysgracetard@DA and I just wanted to shared.

[ ] The concept of Guy X Girl seems strange to you
[✓] You can’t go one day without looking at pictures/reading fanfics about yaoi
[✓] You have an OTP (One True Pairing)
[ ] You crossover your favorite male characters and make them lovers (I.e L X Sebastian)
[ ] You ship anyone and everyone together
[b>✓] You refer to the couple by their ‘name’ (i.e ZoSan, KuroKise, RoyEd, etc.)
[ ] When it’s that character’s birthday you draw them with their ‘uke’ in some sort of sexy situation
[ ] You constantly write fanfiction for your favorite couples
[ ] You want to strangle all the yaoi haters
[✓] You stay up all night reading it/drawing it
[ ] You cosplay as your favorite characters just to make them do things they would originally never do themselves (I.e Kiss, hold hands, etc)
[✓] You go “Aww…” and “SQUEE~!” when you see two men being lovie-dovie in front of you
[ ] You prefer men-men’s love over hetero love anytime
[ ] You insist on searching every yaoi pairing possible even in the most innocent animes
[✓] You watch two men having a slightly close relationship and would instantly think of them snogging each other naked on bed
[ ] Your anime collection consists of boy love anime instead of the usual anime people would collect
[ ] You have a thing for twincest, especially boys
[ ] Your manga collection in your computer consists of doujin scanlations of either original or fan-doujins, regardless if you can read Japanese or not
[ ] You can never look at two guys the same way ever again
[ ] You get turned on by looking at two men fucking instead of the normal hentai
[ ] You join a Fight for Gay Rights cause
[ ] You love to sing “It’s OK to be Gay” by Tomboy during your free time
[ ] Your drawings (if you’re an artist) consists of yaoi 90% of the time
[ ] You don’t mind your boyfriend (if you’re an open-minded girl) to get ‘easy’ on his male colleagues
[ ] You would encourage your boyfriend to kiss his male friends and even prepare your 3G phone to shoot them
[ ] You want to try a strap-on the next time you and your boyfriend want to make love just to see how anal sex on a guy looks like
[ ] Even if there is already a hetero pairing in an anime, you would create some sort of story (if you are a fanfic writer) that make their relationship no longer existant and pair it with your fav boy
[ ] Even if there is totally no room for a yaoi pairing to exist in a cartoon or anime, you pair crack!ones anyways or create an OC to match with your fav boy
[ ] You see any gesture that is slightly suggestive, even though it is just a friendly hug, as yaoi
[ ] You would be seen surfing websites that are yaoi-based and hunt for delicious man sex
[ ] You’re favorite guy on any tv show is the gay one, in real life or in the show
[ ] You see an anime couple and automatically don’t like the girl
[ ] You have to delete files just to make room for your massive yaoi doujinshi collection
[ ] Yaoi is a constant subject in your conversations
[ ] You wish you were a boy just so you could be a part of the magic
[ ] You try to convince your brother/cousin/male friend that he’s gay
[ ] You start pairing up female characters so you can put the male characters together
[ ] You beg your boyfriend to make out with another guy in front of you
[ ] You force your boyfriend to watch gravitation and to like it
[ ] You force your boyfriend to cosplay a male character that is gay and you cosplay his male partner
[ ] You have more yaoi doujinshi than music on your computer.
[ ] You try to search for something on google or youtube and it tries to finish any letter you type with something yaoi related
[ ] You say stupid stuff in class like, “Don t interrupt me, I m thinking about yaoi.”
[ ] You see a gay guy and think of yaoi instead
[ ] You see your gay friend falling asleep in class and you think stuff like, ohh he stayed up late doing YAOI
[ ] Your mom finally asks you what yaoi is
[✓] Most of your inside jokes are about yaoi and you end up laughing alone because nobody gets it
[ ] You instantly have a crush on the first guy that looks kinda Asian, and then you eventually end up hoping he s gay
[ ] When you see two guys walking next to each other you instantly think of yaoi liveaction
[ ] When all or most of your bookmarks are to yaoi sites
[ ] You know you’re obsessed when you’re in a roomfull of hot guys and you’re picturing them with each other
[ ] You start picturing ‘scenes’ when listening to some specific songs
[ ] You see two cute guys together and assume that they’re lovers
[ ] You bravely buy some yaoi manga at the store even though some manga cover feature explicit yaoi content that makes other people cringe
[ ] You think you’re a gay man in your past life
[✓] You buy and draw yaoi mangas
[ ] You constantly think of yaoi pairings in games/anime/pop stars
[ ] When your non anime friends know the meaning of yaoi
[ ] When you start slashing your straight guy friends together
[ ] When you have a dream that they make a yaoi version of Kingdom Hearts
[ ] When you look for yaoi of your favorite childhood shows(I will never look at Pokemon the same way again…e_o)
[✓] You can pair up any two boys from an anime and justify the pairing
[✓] You have several organized photobucket accounts computer folders full of Yaoi pictures
[ ] When the only thing you look for on a search browser ALWAYS contains the words Yaoi or Shounen ai in the web search
[ ] When you obsessively write fanfction after fanfiction about your choosen OTP
[ ] Your best friend is bored because you always talk about yaoi
[ ] When you see lotions and creams and all you can think of is which one would be the best lubricant when it came to Yaoi
[ ] When you see your guy friends and you wonder who could make the best pairing
[ ] when you walk into school and you alot of different guys and you are almost tempted to pair them up and make them kiss each other
[✓] When you watch an anime that isn’t even a boys love or yaoi and you wished that the guys in the show would just hook up already
[ ] When you draw your two favorite male anime characters kissing or doing each other and you make it into a wallpaper for your computer
[ ] When you start slashing the male fridge magnets together and leaving them in compromising positions
[ ] You use buttsecks as a verbal pause
[ ] You know EXACTLY where all the booths that sell yaoi are at con
[ ] When the whole theme of your computer is yaoi. (I.e Icons, wallpaper, screensaver, etc…)
[✓] You’ll randomly daydream about random pairings
[ ] Everything you write has to have at least a gay guy in it
[ ] You start thinking Dracula is gay
[ ] You see two guys come out of a car and begin holding hands then walk to a store and you watch to see if they kiss
[✓] You fav this deviation and use it as a journal
[✓] You comment on this deviation
[✓] You spend your time writing a ‘You know you’re yaoi obsessed when…’ meme.
LOL Less than I had excepted, but I do enjoy a good romantic boys love story with substance like any other heterosexual one. Smex is just added bonus. XD
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Omg I love yaoi i do almost every single one of those! I those memes!
LOL There is absolutely nothing better than Yaoi when it comes to literature!