「みなさんこんにちは!今回、初めてツイッターに投稿します。これから勉強していくので、共有していこうね!」 "Hello everyone! Aiba here! This is my first post on Twitter, so let's start sharing together!"#Aiba#嵐#ARASHIpic.twitter.com/WZHig2SVf0
「みなさんこんにちは!二宮和也です。Twitter初投稿!皆さんに楽しんでもらえるようなことを発信できたらと思っていますので、よろしくお願いします!」 "Hi! It’s Kazunari Ninomiya. So, this is my first tweet ever! I'll be sharing content that all of you will enjoy!"#Nino#嵐#ARASHIpic.twitter.com/zNc0irnFIr
Wow, I never thought this day would come…. Arashi can finally can celebrate their day and interact with us globally, without being a member of their exclusive fan club. XD Now they can finally Arashi-fied the world.
I am kind of heartbroken that I missed their first IG live, but will be on high alert for future ones. lol They seem to being having so much fun from the gifs.