どうも!大野智です!Twitterはじまりました!これから何ができるか考えて、発信していきたいな~と思うので、よろしくお願いします。20年ありがとう!これからもよろしく! Hey! It’s Satoshi Ohno! We've started using Twitter! Thanks for these last 20 years!!#Ohno#嵐#ARASHIpic.twitter.com/OBYsIzBLdp
Wow, I never thought this day would come…. Arashi can finally can celebrate their day and interact with us globally, without being a member of their exclusive fan club. XD Now they can finally Arashi-fied the world.
I am kind of heartbroken that I missed their first IG live, but will be on high alert for future ones. lol They seem to being having so much fun from the gifs.
I would not mind some random posts so we can see more of them before their hiatus. Maybe one on Aiba-chan’s birthday or something.
Their new Turning-up music video was pretty awesome:
Full music video from their official Youtube channel:
Happy 20th Anniversary to our five lovable dorks!!