Arashi Challenge Month: Day 9

Day Nine – Favorite Arashi PV

Mine would be Happiness, which is loaded with cheerfulness and fun. The atmosphere is very natural filled with colorful rainbows paved by Arashi. It’s highly recommended watch on any gloomy or stressful day, it will definitely lift your spirits.

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Arashi Challenge Month: Day 7

Day Seven – Quote from a Non-Single Song

One of my favorites is Nino’s solo that he had written and composed for the Arashi Iza, Now Tour. Konseki is a bittersweet song, but it’s truly beautiful, emotional and poetic.

Walking along the river banks at sunset,
With you, we lead each other along with just our smiles.
What shall we do for dinner tonight?
It was such a small, a very small and humble happiness.

~ Konseki, Ninomiya Kazunari

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