Miki Shinichiro Challenge Month: Day 19

Day 19: Something you would like him to change

I’m sure that most of you think that I believe that Miki-sama is god-like, which is certainly is not. Everyone has their own flaws just like him, we’re only human ne?! I will not list them, but the image posted has already described it. Yes, unfortunately, he is a smoker, a moderate one. I’m not fond of folks with this habit, but he is not going to be thrown to the waste side due to this. Its risk factors are extremely high, causing health issues like high pressure, stroke and cancer, I truly hope that he will quit one day. 八(^□^*) タノム!!

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Miki Shinichiro Challenge Month: Day 18

Day 18: Post an image of Miki Shinichiro with your second most favorite seiyuu

Kyaa~~my niban is Inoue Kazuhiko, you know the super sexy voice of Hatake Kakashi from Naruto and the cute Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yujin Cho. XD

Miki-sama and sensei have worked on a few anime, video games and drama CDs together, mainly roles where their characters were allies or acquaintances. If they were offer a piece where each were on opposite forces, I would be truly be grinning with glee. Each can make one hella of a villain, no matter if it is with swords or guns, an action packed anime would be a dream come true! :glassy: Hehe…while I’m at it, why not make them as love rivals, trying to win the heart of the heroine. Not only will they have more screen time together, but their amazing chemistry can be demonstrated more effectively. *daydreams like a silly little fangirl*

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Miki Shinichiro Challenge Month: Day 17

Day 17: Describe Miki Shinichiro in three words

  • Unique – His fashion sense is extraordinary and can be questionable at times, but no matter what is worn, they are displayed in great style.
  • Intelligent – His sophisticated side is shown through his blog writing, interviews and answers to questions at live events as they tend to be complex and refined.
  • Cool – Miki-sama’s confidence and calm manner, as well as, never-ending dedication toward his profession, make him one amazing and suave individual.

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