Recommended Fanfics: Gokusen – ShinKumi Part 2

It has been almost two years since I become acquainted with Gokusen and I still adore the pairing between Sawada Shin and Yamaguchi Kumiko…just cannot get enough of them. XO I truly hope that Morimoto-sensei will continue their love story and fill the void for us hardcore fans. Though, I am grateful of the short continuation which she had provided so far. Below are a few more favorites that I wanted to share (in no specific order), let’s spread the Shinkumi rabu rabu:

  1. Shall we dance? by ev1l-ch1b1-urd
  2. The Simplest Solution by orange_crushed
  3. Write for you by anenko
  4. Classroom Interlude by Linay
  5. Living Dangerously by anenko
  6. A Different Kind of Idiot by art_noveau
  7. Where The Roads Meet Again by Sakura Taichou
  8. The World You Love by innerdisintegrationn
  9. Love with Trouble by moonchild_luna
  10. A night to not remember by FearandLoathingXVIII
  11. At that Moment by ev1l-ch1b1-urd
  12. Carmel by ev1l-ch1b1-urd

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Recommended Fanfic: Bleach – Ichigo x Rukia

It’s been quite some time since I had shared some fanfics, let’s have some Ichigo x Rukia fun. Though, romance has not spark between these two in the manga and anime, their special and unique bond will never shattered. You can probably feel the excitement (most definitely love) whenever Ichigo calls or looks for Rukia!

  1. Setting Sun, Rising Moon by Jaina
  2. King’s Key: The Four Prongs by RukiLex
  3. The Roles We Play by Cugami
  4. Circles by Jaina
  5. Advent by cataclysmically starry-minded
  6. Musings by Nina-chan

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Recommended Fanfics: Nodame Cantabile – Chiaki x Nodame

Time for another round of recommended fanfics…. Today’s pairing will be the talented Chiaki Shinichi and the beloved hentai Noda Megumi, hehe. It’s been a while since I had seen Nodame Cantabile; really miss watching Chiaki-sama on screen. I hope there will be either a second season or another special in the near future, drama-wise.

  1. Essence of the Heart by leeleefic
  2. Nodame’s Web by kmad
  3. Cheeky Angel by xXkana-chanXx
  4. A Present For Shinichi by yurDestini
  5. All Too Fast by scribbling-pen
  6. Pathetique by xXkana-chanXx
  7. Nodame & Chiaki 50 themes by Miss Yam

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