Ninomiya Kazunari’s solo, Kako

Nino’s ever-popular solo, Kako or Konseki, is my most favorite among his songs. It was composed and written by him, and sung during Arashi’s Iza, Now Tour in 2004. It’s such a beautiful yet lonely and sad song. Found a nice English translation by a fan on Youtube and wanted to share.

Vocals, Lyrics & Music: Ninomiya Kazunari

消えぬ 消えぬ
kienu kienu
五月雨のあと 乾かぬ涙の痕
samidare no ato kawakanu namida no ato
消せぬ 消せぬ
kesenu kesenu
闇夜に浮かぶ 愛しき人の影
yamiyo ni ukabu itoshiki hito no kage
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Wow, it’s been one year since I started this blog! Mainly randomness about my multi-fandoms, still cannot believe how much it has grown.

Domo arigato to everyone had stopped by and those brave souls who had commented! *bows* It’s been so fun much, I look forward to more blogging in 2009.

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